
Restoring the Local Changes Tab in IntelliJ IDEA (2024)

Restoring the Local Changes Tab in IntelliJ IDEA (2024) Local change tab not showing up in last version of IntelliJ (2024) :  In the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA(2024), the Local Changes and Shelf features have been moved to a separate Commit tool window on the left. If you prefer the old behavior and layout, follow these steps:     Open IntelliJ IDEA.     Go to Version Control in the settings.     Under the Commit section, uncheck the option for “ Use non-modal commit interface ” The familiar Local Changes tab will now appear inside the Git tool window. That’s it! You’ll have the Local Changes tab back as before. Enjoy 😊

Resolving Concurrency Conflicts in Java REST APIs: A Case of 412 Precondition Failed

  Resolving Concurrency Conflicts in Java REST APIs: A Case of 412 Precondition Failed   While developing a Java REST API, we encountered a perplexing issue: two deployed endpoints were returning unexpected results. The first endpoint called operated correctly, while the second returned a 412 Precondition Failed error . This behavior was consistent regardless of the calling order of the endpoints. Upon investigation, we discovered that the issue was related to concurrency management and the ETags returned by our API. By refining the entity version comparison logic, focusing on specific attributes such as the ID or other relevant fields, we resolved this conflict and ensured the smooth operation of our endpoints. While this was the solution to our particular issue, it’s important to remember that similar symptoms can stem from different underlying problems. However, if you’re facing a similar challenge, it’s worth taking a closer look at the concurrency mechanisms

Java: Continue and Break Instructions

  Continue and Break Instructions in Java   1. Continue Statement: The "continue" statement serves as a control tool for loops. When applied, it allows you to skip the current iteration of the loop and proceed directly to the next one, enhancing code efficiency by avoiding unnecessary operations. 2. Break Statement: The "break" statement acts as an exit mechanism within loops, offering immediate termination regardless of whether the loop's defined condition has been met. It's a valuable tool to have precise control over loop execution.    

Java Labels: A Simple Guide

What Are Java Labels?   Labels in Java are identifiers used to mark a specific point within code blocks. When dealing with nested loops, labels help you control which loop you exit from or continue within.  They work with break and continue statements to give you more control over your loops. myLabel: // This is a label for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (j == 1) { break myLabel; // Exits the outer loop } System.out.println ( "i: " + i + ", j: " + j ); } } Labels make your code clearer when you have complex loops. They let you exit or skip multiple loops at once, making your code easier to read and debug. They offer better control over nested loops. Keep them in mind for those tricky scenarios.

What is a Functional Interface in Java?

Definition A functional interface in Java must have exactly one abstract method and may have other default or static methods. Example @FunctionalInterface public interface Calculator {    int add ( int a, int b );    default void log ( String message ) {      System.out.println ( "Log: " + message );   }    static void showResult ( int result ) {      System.out.println ( "Result: " + result );   } } // Using Lambda Calculator calculator = ( a, b ) -> a + b ; int result = calculator.add ( 5, 3 ); Calculator.showResult ( result );   A default method in an interface offers a built-in implementation that can be replaced by any class using it. This feature is exclusive to interfaces.

Quick Reminder: Default Values for Java Data Types

In Java, each primitive data type has a default value automatically assigned when declaring an uninitialized variable.   Understanding these default values is essential to prevent runtime errors. Below is a table summarizing this information.   Data Type Default Value byte 0 char '\u0000' short 0 int 0 float 0.0f long 0L double 0.0d

Quick Reminder: Java Primitive Types Sizes

Quick Reminder:   Java's primitive types and their sizes : Data Type Size char 2 bytes (16 bits) short 2 bytes (16 bits) int 4 bytes (32 bits) float 4 bytes (32 bits) long 8 bytes (64 bits) double 8 bytes (64 bits)