Circular Dependency Warning in IntelliJ with Maven in a Java Web Project

Circular Dependency Warning in IntelliJ with Maven in a Java Web Project :

When working with a Java web project using Maven, you may encounter a circular dependency warning in IntelliJ. This can happen when a module depends on another module that also depends on the first module, creating a loop. The warning indicates that adding a new dependency may create a circular dependency and lead to a build failure.

To solve this issue, you can try several solutions : 

  • Split your project into smaller modules with clear responsibilities. This can help you identify and manage dependencies more effectively. For example, you can move the HrRestApiConnectionException class to a separate module and then include that module as a dependency in the modules that need it.
  • Use Maven exclusions: Another way to solve circular dependency issues is to use Maven exclusions to remove unnecessary dependencies. You can specify the dependencies that you want to exclude from your module in the pom.xml file. For example, if module A depends on module B and module B depends on module A, you can exclude the dependency on module A from module B's pom.xml file.
  • Another solution which is the solution I used in my specific case is to move the class or package causing the circular dependency to the other module(B). This will help to break the cycle and allow you to add the necessary dependencies without creating a circular dependency. This solution may not always be feasible or desirable depending on the structure of your project.
To implement this solution, follow these steps:

  • Identify the class or package that is causing the circular dependency warning in IntelliJ. This will typically be a class that is used in multiple modules.
  • Move the class or package to another module. This will break the cycle and allow you to add the necessary dependencies without creating a circular dependency.
  • Update the dependencies in your Maven project to include the new module that now contains the class or package.

Test your project to ensure that it is still functioning as expected.

It's important to note that circular dependencies can lead to runtime errors and make your project harder to maintain. Therefore, it's important to avoid them as much as possible. By following these best practices and using the right tools, you can ensure that your Java web project stays organized and easy to manage.

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